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Hello there, I'm Theresa and I was a woman in my 40's. I just turned 50 this year and I understand and conquer all the challenges that this age group faces. Our waist lines want to expand and weight fluctuations even when we exercise and are careful with what we eat. Women in our  40's experience weight gain and this becomes very visible around our waist. The first thing that comes noticeable is our belly and our behind. Weight gain= big belly and big booty!  What else? Since we have to do our annual physical examination along with those blood draws, our Physician doesn't really tell us all good news. This is when we find out that our cholesterol level is up, our blood pressure is high and our blood sugar is elevated. We now find ourselves in a deep predicament. What’s a woman to do?


Sadly there isn’t a magic formula but with my help and using the SMARTFITT Method, I will help you feel better, look younger and be your very Best!

I believe it is essential to invest in your health in order to enjoy a life full of joy, gratitude and satisfaction.  It's this belief that guides SMARTFITT approach, including the services and teachings that I provide.


SMARTFITT focuses on helping clients improve their health and teach them tools to ensure that they are maintained.


SMARTFITT has the ability to change and impact lives in a healthy way.



Stop feeling old, Stop relying on pills to help you move and function.


I will help you gain energy and help you move freely. I will help you build an active , healthy lifestyle THE SMARTFITT WAY.

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